American Wool Series

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Weekend Goes To

Originally uploaded by zombiegirl1

This weekend, unlike many others, seems to have passed at the same rate of time as my work week. I feel much was accomplished including relaxation. Not always the case. The mess that was the vinyl library has been organized and purged (mostly the man's stuff as my collection is pitifully small and well organized). The record player finally has a home besides the orange crate under the desk where you couldn't put your legs because of all the stereo equipment and I said goodbye to my ten year old stereo components. Au revoir! The organization that started with my knit stuff has started to spread to the rest of the house (thank goodness!) and the man has even pitched in. I think it all started with a new piece of technology (last year's model) we bought and finding homes for some no-longer-needed electronics. Besides all of this goodness I recently acquired a few new knitting books from Knitpicks summer sale (40% off): Knitting Lingerie Style, No Sheep for You, and Romantic Knits. Score on all counts, viva la weekend!

*The pic is a before shot - I'll post an after when it's all the way done.


  1. iMac!?!? Wooo, look at that purdy piece! I'll bet it's glistening as I type ;) Like that No Sheep for You pic, ha! Can't wait to see that beautiful organized goodness.

  2. She's a lovely piece of machinery. Sooooo fast. I'm just sitting on my hands waiting for the modem to arrive so we can finally upgrade to digital internet action. Streamlining EVERYTHING.

  3. Oh man, ur gonna be living LARGE! That's gonna be very nice :)
