American Wool Series

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesdays are for Sharing

It's Wednesday again. Aren't you excited? Thrilled to your fingertips with anticipation? Sure you are. This Wednesday is a little redundant as I posted about this fabu yarn before. But now I've actually knit with some of it (a few inches of my Clapotis) in a beautiful colorway called 'sea pearl'. I keep fingering the little bit that's hanging off my needles and thinking I need more, MORE for myself. Just MORE in general. I love all of their colorways - a bit unusual since I'm more of a solid colored/texture type gal. Briar Rose has lots of pretty things including patterns, needles, and yarn of course. I love that they sell huge hanks of yarn. I just buried my face in it when it came in the mail.

Not quite on the knitting circuit is the instructables website where you can learn to make anything (really anything) from homemade infrared goggles to building an antique style crystal radio. Sometimes there are knitting and sewing posts but my amourousness for this website is that everything geeky can be made by following the tutorials. I love the DIY set.


  1. Love that instructables site!

    Have you been to yet? My newest radio love, right up there with KEXP yo!

  2. Oooo, and I have another one,! Sims taken to the next level, and with your lovely new internet it should be wonderful! Let me know if you do it and we can friend on there ;)
