I had a lot of stuff to do during the week yet somehow it dragged on and on and on and...you get the idea. Monday was the first night back at the knitting group since the holidays and I'm so glad to be getting back to it. Hilarity always ensues with those gals. Wednesday evening I had an appointment with a UW admissions advisor and that went so amazingly well I'm still kind of glowing over the whole shebang. I've got to finish up the class this quarter ( venn diagrams and factorials anyone?) and take a college level language class sometime soon, this could be at my current Community college even while I'm attending UW so no biggie. ALL of my credits from good ole Mendo transferred without a problem so how many credits until I finish my BA? How many? A measly 55. That's around 11 classes of my choice as long as one of those fulfills a compositional/reading course. Gah. AND I found out my deadline for Fall admission is July so I've got plenty of time to write about how awesome I am and why they should let me into their program and la la la.
In knitting news the body of the Tangled Yoke is complete and I snagged the needle tips to start the sleeves. I thought I might try my hand at 2 sleeves at once on one long circular but my circular is not quite long enough. So I ripped. Then I decided I'd go ahead and do magic loop on one. It looked like ass so I ripped again. So no sleeves as of yet, not even cast on, and this is my project for the weekend. I am going to finish both sleeves and get them at least attached to the body so I can finally get to the yoke of the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. It wants to be finished so badly and who am I to deny it the destiny it deserves?
Yaya!! That's great news bout schoolio!