American Wool Series

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Snow storm
Originally uploaded by zombiegirl1
Went and saw Juno today after some lovely knitting time with some lady friends and a 3 hour session of statistics homework. Yay & yuck. As soon as the Man and I walked out of the theater I turned to him and said, " I could see that again, right now." I loved it, all of it, every little aspect of it. And, you know, Michael Cera in running shorts is not something to be missed. It's beautiful and funny and sad and just really fricking wonderful, that girl is my kind of humor. My kind of soundtrack and reckless band name-dropping useless trivia geeking out action that I personally adore and have a bad habit of doing in life for realsies. Guffawed out loud without the rest of the audience and got all teary eyed with the rest of the audience and just fell in love with Ellen Page. I can't say enough good things, it's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I totally wish I had seen that instead of No Country For Old Men, sounds a billion times better!! And George Michael, shooooot, my hero :) NCFOM, not that great, some beautiful shots and some laughter but overall I just wasn't grabbed. Oh well. Heard a great interview with the writer of Juno Diablo Cody here:
