American Wool Series

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Now We Are 3

Today is my three year wedding anniversary with the Man. He took the day off of work and we're going to scoot down to Atlas for 5$ lunch and then go to Tilth for dinner tonight. What happens in between is kind of up in the air. Maybe the beach? Maybe the park? Definitely getting ready for my trip to Kansas since I leave tomorrow morning with the Little One in tow. I'm not really looking forward to my two-leg flight although my layover is incredibly short. I would almost prefer a longer one so I could walk around with the baby and have a leisurely lunch before jumping on the next plane. As it is I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to eat between the 8:45 take off and the 4:15 arrival. Bleck. It'll be worth it to see my family all together, I think it has been at least three years since I've seen my brother. Sadly, the Man will not be coming with me since he is going on tour with his band in October (East Coast!) and couldn't get so much time off from work so close together. So today is for us to hang out as a family unit and bask in each other's awesomeness before we're separated for a week. Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy anniversary!
    I started watching Nerdcore Rising this morning. Might need to make Older Son watch the time lapse Magic: The Gathering description so he can see just how tedious he is.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Mine was yesterday but not as exciting and event-filled as yours. Too much work, but then there's the weekend...

  3. Happy number 3. you are an awsome family.I love you all.

  4. Yay :) Enjoy your day and have a wonderful trip! <3

  5. Happy anniversary! Enjoy your bad selves! :-)
