American Wool Series

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back on Track

I'm back on track on the pearl shrug. I actually have the body and the trim done and should finish up the sleeves tonight. A little seaming and some quiet time and I might be able to finish this evening. I just have to say those knit 1 yo 4 times are a pain.

Today has been rough. The Little One is changing her nap times and/or not napping at all (or briefly) and driving me bonkers. Her first group play with other kids went well except for the one kid who was either trying to kiss her or bite her cheek off. I'm not quite sure. It was fun to see her interact with other kids although I could use a nap right about now.


  1. Hope she settles down on the napping front so you can get some napping in too :)And she's gotta learn how to fight off the lil' zombie kids, prolly sooner is better than later right!

  2. yeeks! wow, play day already. very scary to know she is old enough to go to play day already.

  3. Hello! I am Inés from Abuelita Yarns Company. I loved your shrag!! The color was great adn very lively!
    We are a uruguaian brand which sells yarns. If you want to know more about us please enter or if you wish to see our articles and pictures enter
    Good luck! :D
