American Wool Series

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy Bee

Last weekend went by like a whirlwind. I had family in town for my baby shower, new parenting class Saturday morning, baby shower (so much fun!) and the send-off for the folks heading back to California. Everyone was so happy and incredibly generous at our shower - I think the baby is set for the first year as far as wardrobe goes. So I took a few days to recover from the constant running around, especially since I get tired so easily these days. I've been knitting like a fiend and hopefully will have some finished stuff up soon. After my small bout of startitis I'm ready to focus on actually finishing the projects. I've got four things going right now which is really strange for me since I'm a mostly monogamous knitter. We're in the final countdown for baby (about 7 weeks to go) which makes me excited and nervous and just a wee bit scared s#*@less.

Oh, and I've been catching our kitty sleeping in the moses basket for the baby which is currently residing inside the crib. How does she get in there? No clue. I'm waiting for a daylight occurrence to snap a pic.


  1. dont be scared, it isn't scary just dramatic and emotional. but...maybe AddieB will come out and say "BOO". That would be scary....or maybe humming a tune for her mommy....

  2. It was the best! You're the best! Glad I wasn't the only foot-crazed buyer there ;) All my best hugs to you. Can't wait to see you and the babe. And cute sleeping kitty, precious!
